My most recent post was a basic introduction to the Paleo lifestyle in general. In discussing the post, What is Paleo?, with a few of my readers, it was brought to my attention that what people really want to know is precisely what they can and can’t eat. That seems like a simple task, considering I live this lifestyle every day. The trouble with it is that the Paleo “diet” is interpreted differently by most everyone who attempts this way of life. Often the terms Paleo and Primal are used interchangeably (I do it all the time), however some argue that they aren’t technically the same thing. Recent leaders in the Paleo/Primal communities have asserted that the premises are the same and for the most part, should be considered as one approach to living.
Putting all of those issues aside, it is possible to come up with a pretty extensive list of foods that are good for your body, great for your mind, and will keep your tummy full until your next meal. Keep in mind, this list is by no means all-inclusive. It would be impossible to list every food that meets Paleo/Primal guidelines. Use it as a tool to help you when you are walking down the aisles at your local grocery store, or when a craving hits and you are about to make a bad choice, or even when you sit down to plan your meals for the week. The easiest way to stay on track is to ensure that you have the right foods at your fingertips.
*Starchy fruits/vegetables are higher in calories and carbohydrates, so eat them in moderation. **Fruits are high in fructose, a type of sugar. While this is okay on the Paleo plan, they should be consumed in moderation to ensure proper insulin production.
***Check out Mark’s Daily Apple for a great post on the Great Dairy Debate in the Paleo/Primal community. Choose for yourself if you want to include it in your diet.
****Not actually dairy items, but people often like to know what they can use in place of actual dairy.